Every single developer has his/her own preferences when its come to IDE and everyone has there own set of configuration in it.
To make sure our code repository is having the same consistenty there are few tools which we can use in our project.
- Prettier : This is an opinionated code formatter.
- Commit-lint : This checks if your commit messages meet the conventional commit format.
- Husky : Easy to configure Git Hooks.
To configured each of these library in your project there are many steps you need to follow.
Doing this redudent task for every single project can be a pain.
For that I have created this npm package using angular schematics which will do the integration and configuration of these packages in your angular application.
Open your project workspace folder in your command prompt and run below schematic command.
ng add @ng-vim/devtools
That's all. All above things are configured in your angular application. You can modify these configuration as per your needs.
Github source-code:- github.com/patelvimal/ng-vim-devtools
Follow Me on Twitter:- twitter.com/patel_vimal
Suggestions are welcome to improve this package.